Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Dentist

Today I had to leave school early because I had to go to the dentist to get two teeth pulled out. It feels weird now that the two teeth are gone. A little bit ago my mouth was numb but now it isn't. Going to the dentist wasn't as bad as I thought.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Sorry I haven't been blogging a lot. I have been pretty busy. I have been unpacking all these boxes and been getting settled in. I will probably be blogging a lot more, or a little. Well here is some news that my two friends that are in my class, we did a science project and our board went on to district with five other sixth grade science fair boards. I don't know if I already blogged about this. It would be pretty embarrassing if I did.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The New House

Hey, we have moved into a new house. It is a two story it is big, what else can I say? Oh I know, it is so cool!!