Monday, February 16, 2009


Sorry I haven't been blogging a lot. I have been pretty busy. I have been unpacking all these boxes and been getting settled in. I will probably be blogging a lot more, or a little. Well here is some news that my two friends that are in my class, we did a science project and our board went on to district with five other sixth grade science fair boards. I don't know if I already blogged about this. It would be pretty embarrassing if I did.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Dear Christine,
Hello! How are you?
Congratulations on your science project... that's awesome!
I'm so happy you like your new home.
Will you be on a school break soon?
I hope you do something fun.
Sending a big hug to you...
would you give a hug to Maggie and Andrew from me?
I love you,
Aunt Andrea