Sunday, September 6, 2009

Junior High

I am in seventh grade now and that means I'm at the Junior High!!!! My friends are at my school to but they don't have the same classes at the same time and they have a different lunch time so I only see them on the bus and passing in the hall sometimes. Junior high is ok and sometimes fun especially science, we do some really fun science experiments and in Language arts we read The Outsiders as a class and we are going to watch the movie on the last two days of the quarter.......... FUN!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Trip To Ohio

We went to ohio for a little visit for about 2 weeks. I saw my best friend,Danielle, and her family. I saw my grandparents, cousins, and some old friends. We had a lot of fun.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stung By a Bee

Today I got stung by a bee. I was in the pool while some of our friends were over and I was playing catch. Well I was sitting in the middle of this tube thing in the pool and the ball was about 2 feet away. So, I jumped out of the tube and the bee must have been just sitting a little below my shoulder and when i jumped to get the ball, it stung me. I didn't cry but at first I thought a bee had stung me but I wasn't sure because I had never been stung by a bee before. So, I climbed out of the pool and it was stinging so I went to my mom and she said that I had got stung by a bee. So we went inside and this very nice lady, Kim Magnussen, got a piece of ice and was rubbing it on my bee sting. Then, my mom got me a pill or vitamin thingy that would take the sting away or something so I took it. Next, I went outside and just enjoyed the rest of the time.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!!!:) Happy father's day to all the fathers out there.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Swim Meet

Today was my first swim meet. It was pretty fun but right now I am tired. I got first place in Freestyle and backstroke. I got second place in breaststroke and butterfly. So I did pretty good. But I was so close to getting first on butterfly, I was in first the whole time until about 10 to 15 feet from the wall.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandma Orr!!! I love ya!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Last Day of School

Today wasmy last day of sixth grade (or school) but not only was it my last day of sixth grade but my last day at elementary school. Since it was, all the sixth graders got a clap out. We were in a line and then we went thought this tunnel that all the kids and other parents and teachers made and clapped while all the sixth graders went through. It was cool and long, longer than I thought. Then, after school I went to swim team for an hour and a half. After that we went and got ice cream at the ice cream social for the end of the school year.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Greek Games

Yesterday at school we didn't do any work except for one spelling test. We had the Greek games we did chariot races that you and 4,3, or 2 other people made. I made a chariot with my friends, Callie, Casey, Megan, and Eddie. We got 4Th 0r 5Th. We did javelin throws and shot puts and a lot of fun other things. It was awesome!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Indians Spring Training

Today I went to the Indians Spring Training game. I went with my dad, Maggie, Andrew, my grandma, my grandpa, and someone from my dad's work. It was pretty fun. They lost though. I also got a baseball and got it signed by Bob Feller. After the game was over kids were aloud to run the bases. Today was a busy day.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


We found a scorpion in our house! EEEEEPPPPP! I was really scared. I was cleaning up and I picked up a newspaper and there it was. It was pretty big! My mom had to come over and squish it with a shoe. Then she flushed it down the toilet. I was scared that I would find another after that but I didn't so it was all good.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Dentist

Today I had to leave school early because I had to go to the dentist to get two teeth pulled out. It feels weird now that the two teeth are gone. A little bit ago my mouth was numb but now it isn't. Going to the dentist wasn't as bad as I thought.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Sorry I haven't been blogging a lot. I have been pretty busy. I have been unpacking all these boxes and been getting settled in. I will probably be blogging a lot more, or a little. Well here is some news that my two friends that are in my class, we did a science project and our board went on to district with five other sixth grade science fair boards. I don't know if I already blogged about this. It would be pretty embarrassing if I did.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The New House

Hey, we have moved into a new house. It is a two story it is big, what else can I say? Oh I know, it is so cool!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Basketball Game

Today was our second basketball game and we won, the score at the end was 27 to 31 and after the game was over some people from my team came to the restaurant and it was really fun!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Girls Night Out

Tonight we went to this really fun thing just me and Maggie. What we did was we made lip gloss and it was easy it was only like 4 steps. Then we we painted nails, I didn't get mine painted but i painted some little girl's nails. Next we ate, finally we did makeup and made wands. It was really fun. I am in 6Th grade and there was me and 2 fifth graders from my school. There were some little girls that I knew that were there too. It was really fun!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Zoo Lights

We went to zoo lights on new years eve and it was fun!

Andrew and Maggie rode on the carousel before we left and I just took pictures. Andrew was happy because he got to ride on the shark for the first time, I was watching and there were a lot of boys in line in front of Andrew so I thought that the shark would be taken but it wasn't so Andrew had a good time doing that and Maggie rode on a hummingbird.

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope everyone has a happy year in 2009!!