Sunday, June 21, 2009

Stung By a Bee

Today I got stung by a bee. I was in the pool while some of our friends were over and I was playing catch. Well I was sitting in the middle of this tube thing in the pool and the ball was about 2 feet away. So, I jumped out of the tube and the bee must have been just sitting a little below my shoulder and when i jumped to get the ball, it stung me. I didn't cry but at first I thought a bee had stung me but I wasn't sure because I had never been stung by a bee before. So, I climbed out of the pool and it was stinging so I went to my mom and she said that I had got stung by a bee. So we went inside and this very nice lady, Kim Magnussen, got a piece of ice and was rubbing it on my bee sting. Then, my mom got me a pill or vitamin thingy that would take the sting away or something so I took it. Next, I went outside and just enjoyed the rest of the time.

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