Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Miss My Daddy!

My dad left on a business trip the day after thanksgiving and is coming back Tuesday but he is getting back really late so I won't see him until Wednesday. I know some of you that are reading this and saying I don't care, but I really miss him! I can't wait for him to get back! (: (that is supposed to be a smiley face if you didn't know. You just look at it side ways, you turn your head to the right and you will see it.)


daddyorr said...

I miss you guys too! Love, Daddy

Amelia said...

Hi Christine! Thanks for sharing your dad with us. Grandma and grandpa were thrilled to see him for their anniversary. Amelia and Isabel were sad you weren't here, but hopefully we'll visit soon! Love, Aunt Tammy

Uncle Rayji2 said...

Hi Christine. I love your blog site and we miss you too! Tell everyone Uncle Ray and Aunt Suzanna sends a big hug and kiss. Send me your Christmas wish list!


Uncle Ray